Using PMS/GPS – The Productivity Management System™ for Goal Planning and Setting

In 1979, Harvard Business School did a study of its MBA graduates. They interviewed the graduates and asked them if they had clear written goals with plans for their career when they left school. Only 3% had clear written goals with plans. 13% had goals but they were not written down and did not necessarily have a plan. 84% had no goals at all. Ten years later, Harvard did follow up interviews with the following results: the 13% who had goals were earning on average twice as much as those with no goals at all. The most enlightening part was that the 3% who had written goals were earning on average ten times as much at the other 97% put together!
Setting goals can be challenging for many. However, as in the case of the above example setting goals is imperative to achieving what you want out of life. How good you are at setting and achieving goals depends on several factors. Some of the factors being, how badly you want to achieve a goal. How passionate you for the outcome? How much are you willing to risk in order to achieve your goals. The Productivity Management System™ is a process I have used over the years to set and achieve nearly every goal I have ever wanted to achieve. Once you are successful, you become motivated and the chances of continued success greatly increase. This is part one in a three part series of articles on setting and achieving goals.

What have you already done? Make a list of those goals you have already accomplished. No matter how small or insignificant they may seem, putting your accomplishments in writing will motivate you. This exercise will “fuel the fire” to accomplish more goals. Once you’ve written goals down which you have already accomplished, you will be more apt to continue the journey to achieving your goals. Setting and achieving goals is one of the most satisfying parts of lifes. It helps build confidence, self assurance and strong character.